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SupportCategory: Nominee WPTransparent head style problems
Transparent head style problems
By Wiselamp asked 7 years ago


I using the transparent head style, and i experienced the following problems:

1. I can not change the color of the main menu (i can in the NOMINEE settings, but it’s ineffective). Besides, the other header style its working properly. If i change the header style to transparent, the menu color changing back to white instead gold (oc i set up the right color at the NOMINEE MENU/HEADER SETTINGS/Menu font color).

2. I’m using one page navigation (3 of the 4 main menu items are pointing to anchor). When i refresh the page, the 3 menu item goes underlined, until i scroll down to the anchor. Can i turn off somehow this underline? I would like to see 3 inactive color and 1 active (as usual).

4. The main menu ends exactly at the side of the page(box), it’s disturbing for the eye, Can i move the main menu to (eg 10px) left a bit?

5. I could’t turn off the sticky menu, i must use the code that someone mentioned here:
.navbar {
position: absolute !important;
top: 0;
However, if i want to turn back the sticky menu, i must delete this again.

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