Today we are very happy to share a beautiful and modern one-page resume template with you. Freebie I Am X one page resume template is a minimalist, modern and well-crafted responsive HTML5 resume template for any kind of creative professionals to show their education, experience, skills, and works history in a perfect way.
It is easily customizable personal vCard template built with Bootstrap 3x. If you want your personal site is more noticeable among others, I AM X is can be your right choice.

About the resume template
The responsive resume template is made with the latest web technologies and it’s built with:
- Bootstrap
- Animate.css
- Maginific Popup
- Smoothscroll
- CountTo JS
- Easypiechart
- Shuffle JS
Key Features
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Modern & Unique Design
- Bootstrap 3.x framework
- W3C Validate Code
- Smooth Scrolling
- Excellent CSS3 Animations
- Maginific Popup (Image and Video)
Download the template for free
Use it freely but please don’t republish or redistribute the template. You are of course free to use it for commercial client work.
Attribution/Credit greatly appreciated.
We hope you enjoy this freebie and find it useful!