Theme Update
This theme may be updated periodically in order to add new features and fix bugs. When a new update be avilable an update message will appears on your dashboard . As a customer, you can download the most current version from your Trendytheme account.
Automatic Theme Update
If you have a valid license and you have a active theme from trendytheme, you will get a notification of theme update and can automatically update your theme from your admin dashboard.
Manual Theme Update
For update manually please follow these steps:
- Download the most current installable WordPress version from ThemeForest/TrendyTheme in the "Downloads" area of your account.
- Go to Appearance > Themes and activate another theme such as the default WordPress theme.
- Delete the Iamx(your old theme) theme which is now inactive.
- Go to Install Themes > Upload then install and activate Iamx from the new package.