Susastho 1.0 - Theme Documentation

Managing Classes

Showcase your classes/portfolios in any pages with detail description. In details page you can add Class details, Class schedules, Introduction videos, Trainer details and related yoga classes.


How to Showcase Classes

Create a page with Vsiual Composer Template and choose TT Classes shortcode from TT Elements.

You can choose column number, class limit, sorting order, enable/disable filter option and much more from here.


How to add Class Details

From admin dashboard go to Classes>Add New and add text block in a column for description and TT Class Details shortcode for class meta information.


In bottom of the page you will get some input box for provide your all info about this class.


How to add Class Schedule

Add TT Class Schedule shortcode in youc class page then fill up all meta info from the page bottom Class Schedule section.
